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Critical Illness Cover (CIC)
An affordable and recognised benefit
With one in four people suffering from a critical illness between the ages of 30 and 60 there has never been a better time to consider Group Critical Illness as an attractive and recognised employee benefit.
Today’s businesses and their employees need financial protection more than ever before. Whilst the onset of a serious illness is something most people prefer not to think about, the reality is that longer life spans and ongoing improvements in medical science mean that surviving after a serious illness is far more likely, however the recovery time often means taking extended time off work until your employees get back on their feet. Your employees are three times more likely to get a long‑term illness or injury than to die during their working life. *
Why offer Group Critical Illness Cover to your workforce?
Group Critical Illness Cover pays a tax‑free lump sum directly to your employee should they suffer any of a list of defined medical conditions classified as critical illnesses. Whilst you can’t predict a critical illness, you can prepare for the financial impact it would have on your business and your employees’ and their families.
* State of the Nation Stroke Statistics - February 2018
Summary of Benefits
- Tax‑free lump sum payment to your employee, after just a 14 day survival period
- Minimum lives number of just 5 employees
- Comprehensive range of critical illnesses covered